A beginners guide to using PIR sensors in Arduino Projects for motion detection


pir sensor sr505 length in cmThe PIR (passive infrared) sensor is a great component for detecting motion and presence without any physical contact.

You can either use the miniature one, shown here, or that larger one with the dome that is an inch across. Either will work.

In this beginner's guide, we will look at how to connect the PIR sensor to an Arduino board and write simple code to detect motion.

PIR sensors are often used in security systems, automatic lighting, or any project where detecting movement is useful.

arduino INA219 - How to use a small PIR sensor to detect any movement
Over the course of this tutorial, we will cover the basics of how a PIR sensor works, how to connect one to an Arduino, example code to detect motion, and testing our circuit.

By the end, you'll have a working motion detector built with an Arduino and PIR sensor.

What is a PIR sensor?

It is basically an ultra sensitive heat detector and is very useful for detecting the presence of a "hot" body e.g. an animal or a human. This is why they are used extensively in security systems. The one below is a smaller version of the SR501 and is ideal for use in Arduino projects.

HC-SR505 mini PIR sensor back
small PIR sensor back (SR505)

You only need to connect one input pin on your Arduino to the PIR sensor, as the sensor only has one output. The other two connections are power and ground

The PIR (passive infrared) sensor allows you to detect human or animal motion by detecting changes in infrared radiation (heat). Inside the sensor is a pyroelectric detector that can sense variations in temperature.

All objects emit some level of infrared energy based on their temperature. The sensor triggers when it detects a temperature change in its range. This makes PIR sensors great for motion detection without any physical contact.

How does a PIR sensor work

The key component inside an Arduino PIR sensor is a pyroelectric infrared detector. This is typically made from a crystalline material such as lithium tantalate that generates an electric charge in response to temperature changes.

The pyroelectric detector is positioned with a pair of lenses inside the sensor module. The lenses allow infrared radiation (heat) to enter and focus onto two detection sections of the pyroelectric material.

As an object moves within the sensor's field of view, the temperature at each detection area changes very slightly. This causes a small voltage proportional to the temperature change to be generated in the pyroelectric material.

HC-SR505 mini PIR sensor front
small PIR sensor front (SR505)

This means that the sensor is insensitive to sunlight as both areas would receive the same infrared heat from the sunlight. Without the two areas the sensor would be triggered by just the amount of infrared light falling on it. Using the two lenses means the PIR sensor can detect changes (movement) rather than react to sunlight.

An integrated circuit inside the module then amplifies this tiny pyroelectric voltage and compares the signal levels between the two detection sections. Any difference detected indicates motion has occurred in the observed area.

The input pin of the Arduino (to the PIR sensor output) is then activated by the integrated circuit to change state, and signal that motion was detected. This output can then be connected to a microcontroller like the Arduino for processing.

What projects could you use it in?

  • Home security system
  • Automatic light switching
  • Presence detection
  • Appliance control
  • Energy savings
  • Photography/surveillance
  • Pet feeder
  • Intruder detection
  • Activity counter
  • Wildlife monitoring

Required Components

  • Arduino Uno
  • PIR motion sensor
  • 1 LED
  • 1k Ohm resistor
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires

PIR sensor Connections

The circuit diagram shows how to connect an Arduino to the PIR sensor's power, ground, and output pins. The sensor's Vcc pin connects to the 5V pin on the Arduino. Its GND pin connects to the ground pin. The output pin connects to digital pin 2 on the Arduino. This allows the Arduino to detect when motion is sensed and the output pin changes state. the LED connected to pin5 via the 1k shows when motion is detected.
pir sensor layout showing arduino and solderless breadboard connections

Diagram using fritzing

Schematic Diagram

pir sensor schematic shown connections to arduino

Diagram using fritzing

Libraries needed

You don't need a library as the output from the sensor is digital (High means that the PIR sensor was triggered by movement, and low means it was not).

Example Sketch

You can copy and paste the code below into the Arduino IDE (in a new sketch) replacing everything that is in the new sketch window (See "Uploading the code" below).

// PIR Sensor: motion detector
// Motion detected pin on the PIR sensor is digital pin PIRPin
// LED output on pin LEDpin
const int PIRpin = 13;
const int LEDpin = 5;

void setup() {
  pinMode(PIRpin, INPUT);
  pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
  if (digitalRead(PIRpin) == HIGH) {

    Serial.println("Motion detected!");
    digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH);
  else digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW);

Short Code Explanation

  • Set digital pin 13 as the input to read the PIR sensor
  • Set digital pin 5 as the LED output control
  • Read the value on digital pin 13 each loop
  • If the value is HIGH, motion was detected
  • Print "Motion detected!" to the serial monitor

Detailed Code Explanation

The code first sets pin 13 as an input since that is where the PIR sensor's output pin is connected to pin 5 for the LED output. It initializes serial communication at 9600 baud. In the loop, it reads the digital value on pin 13. If the value is HIGH, motion was detected by the sensor changing the output pin state. It then prints "Motion detected!" to the serial monitor so we can see when motion triggers the sensor. It also lights the LED when motion is detected so you don't have to have the Serial monitor on screen.

Uploading the Code

There are a few steps to uploading the code for the Arduino and PIR sensor using the Arduino IDE:

  1. Connect the Arduino Uno to the PC with a USB cable.
  2. Select the Arduino Uno hardware.
  3. Open a new sketch.
  4. Paste the code above into the new page (overwrite everything).
  5. Press the upload button (right arrow at top).

 You can find a more detailed tutorial on the Arduino IDE page.

Testing the Circuit

To test the Arduino motion sensor circuit, upload the code then open the serial monitor. Walk or wave your hand in front of the PIR sensor. You should see "Motion detected!" print each time the sensor is triggered.

The re-rigger time is slow - meaning that the sensor keeps the "motion detected" signal high for a few seconds - even when there is no more motion. So this sensor does not restart quickly. It is however, ultra sensitive and works over a very long distance.

A PIR sensor capturing wildlife photograph


Two things you should note about any PIR sensor are:

  1. It works over a very long distance,
  2. It does not reset quickly.
The PIR sensor has a long detection range, which makes it suitable for applications where you need to detect movement from a distance, such as security alarms. It can detect movement within a room without needing to be right next to the area you want to monitor.

However, the long detection range comes at the cost of a slow reset time. After detecting motion, the sensor output remains triggered for a few seconds, even without continued movement. This makes it unsuitable for applications needing to detect separate, rapid movements - like counting people entering an area, where intervals between detections must exceed the reset delay.

A PIR sensor capturing a thief running away with out the swagBecause of its slow reset, the PIR sensor is best applied to situations where you want to trigger a longer-term action or state in response to detecting any movement, rather than counting separate movements.

Common examples include triggering an alarm, starting a recording, or taking a photograph when motion is detected.


In this beginner's guide, you learned how to connect an Arduino to a PIR sensor (easy), we covered how a PIR sensor works, and ran example code to detect motion, and figured out how to test the circuit.

You can see that a PIR sensor is suited for longer term actions after being triggered by movement e.g. an alarm, motion triggered photograph etc.

You now have a working motion detection project built with an Arduino and PIR sensor. This is a useful component for detecting presence without contact in many automations and sensor-based projects.

Written by John Main who has a degree in Electronic Engineering.

Note: Parts of this page were written using claude-instant as a research assistant.


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